Westie on File

BIRTHDAY: September 9

Annie Stillar

Account Executive/ Spokane Office Lead


FOOD: Smash burgers!
BEVERAGE: A nice, maple-y, cherry-y old fashioned.
HOBBY: I'm the worlds okayest triathlete. Chiropractors are a girls best friend.
TV SHOW: Brooklyn 99
SPECIAL TALENT: I've sang at over 20 weddings--and 25% of those included covers of Eva Cassidy.

FUN FACT: I was a musical theater kid, and on closing night of my senior show I ran up the aisle at full speed, snagged my dress on a chair, and ripped it clean off my body. My grandmother was sitting in that chair. I had to go onstage and sing a love song. In my petticoats. Holding my shredded dress. I killed it.