June, 2019 | 116 & West
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6.20.19 |

Welcome to the team, Angie Lloyd!

116 & West

116 & West is still growing – this time we’re super excited to announce our new Operations Director, Angie Lloyd!

Oftentimes when I meet someone new, they remind me of some random piece of pop culture. Angie’s instance was immediate and obvious: she is clearly the scene in the movie Bridesmaids when Ellie Kemper’s character is talking to Wendi McLendon-Covey’s character on the airplane to Las Vegas. For those of you who don’t have that movie burned into your brain, here is what she says:

Angie embodies this quote. She is extremely nice and genuine, which I think will suit her well in her role here. With decades of experience, Angie is going to be our go-to gal for all questions about HR, employee benefits, and operations. She’s been working for a few weeks now and I already know a few things:

  • Angie knows her stuff, people!!
  • She is going to be everyone’s favorite—she’s already brought us all some Chip cookies.
  • She’s more beautiful than Cinderella.
  • She smells like pine needles.
  • She has a face like sunshine.

In summation, we’re so happy to have Angie as part of the Westie fam. We know she’s going to kick some serious butt and we already love her. Welcome, Angie!

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