March, 2023 | 116 & West
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3.16.23 | Read Time: 5 min

SEO Techniques for Content Writing

116 & West

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, has three central pillars or components. Some refer to these as “types” of SEO. So, what are the three types of SEO?

• On-page SEO
• Off-page SEO
• Technical SEO

If used correctly, these components complement and build on one another to offer a seamless user experience (the ultimate goal of SEO). However, out of the three SEO pillars, the one we lean on heavily, and is even mentioned as the most crucial SEO ranking factor, is content (on-page SEO).

What is SEO Content Writing, and How Do You Write for SEO?

Creating content for SEO is about showing the value you provide. The best way to show value is to follow the golden SEO rule for content writing: always write for humans first. Writing for humans first means creating copy that the target audience is interested in and providing actual answers to questions being searched or asked. Overall, it results in higher engagement, traffic, and SERP positions while increasing the opportunity for other sites to backlink to your content.


After writing content specifically serving the target audience, the next step is introducing keywords or keyphrases. Keywords/phrases are what a searcher or user types into the Google search bar. For example, if I wanted to buy a new winter sweater, I might Google “cute chunky sweater” and would then be served a list of results showing websites that used any of the terms (keywords) “cute,” “chunky,” or “sweater.”

SEO really can be as simple as this. SEO content writing for beginners is the same process as SEO content writing for experts. However, once the practice of writing for humans becomes second nature, it’s time to introduce more SEO factors into the content.

SEO and User Intent

User intent (aka search intent or audience intent) is why someone performs a search. Google’s goal is to satisfy the user’s intent and provide the best answer, whether it’s an item, service, or quick answer to a question. Google explains this in their 2021 QRG (section 12.7) and through their Panda and Hummingbird algorithm updates.

There are four types of search intent:
• Informational
• Navigational
• Transactional
• Commerical

Informational intent means the user has a question and is looking for the answer. Navigational intent indicates someone is looking for a specific website like “Facebook.” Transactional intent refers to someone looking to shop online. Finally, commercial intent or Investigation is when a user plans to purchase something but wants to research it more.

As you’re writing content, be sure to write with your target audience’s intent in mind. For instance, when selling a good or service, be sure to incorporate words like “sale” or “limited-time offer.” If you intend to provide information, include words users type into search, like “how,” “why,” and “what” in your content.

Incorporating audience intent into your writing by filtering which content satisfies the audience, or identifying which content is lacking, allows you to make changes and optimize accordingly. This process ensures searchers get what they want while also signaling to Google that your content is worth ranking highly in the SERPs.

What is SEO Readability?

Some people believe writing high-quality rich content means sounding as sophisticated as possible. This is a myth. Writing for SEO readability makes content quick and easy for your audience to digest.

When writing content, a grade 8 reading level should be used for the general public. It improves the readability score by allowing the reader to quickly and efficiently process the material resulting in a positive experience, therefore, enhancing SEO ranking. Writing to a reading level around grade 12 is acceptable for a more specialized industry.

How Long Should Content Be?

Ideal content length is often debated. Some research suggests longer content is better because it typically contains detailed answers for people and showcases E-E-A-T. Hubspot performed one study in 2021 and found that the ideal blog post length for SEO should be 2,100-2,400 words.

We typically recommend that one page of content should be at least 1400 words. For individuals who don’t have much time, we recommend a minimum of 750-1,000 words for standard blog posts, 2,000 words for long-form content, and 300-500 words for news posts or product pages.

Three Biggest SEO Content Writing Mistakes

It can be easy to get tunnel vision and write for the algorithm, not the end user. Because of this, writers tend to make three common mistakes in their copy.
• Keyword stuffing
• Duplicating content
• Not providing helpful content

Keyword stuffing is a big no-no. Google recognizes it as a SPAM tactic and penalizes websites for it. Keyword stuffing is when writers add many keywords all over the copy, especially when they are unnecessary. Some people will add keywords on the back end of their website in the metadata so the reader doesn’t see it, but the algorithm will also flag this. This black hat practice is not natural and not helpful to the end user.

Google penalizes any content that is even remotely similar to existing copy. Keep in mind duplicating content can be done accidentally. Make sure to start every blog post from scratch, as reusing any content will affect SEO.

cartoon worm head saying "Remember all content should be rich, unique, & quality content relevant to audience and keywords."

Always Stick to The Basics

Writers sometimes get in the habit of generating content just to get it out on the web so search engines will use it. However, this copy does not optimize well, as it generally lacks user intent or value. You should only create content that will be helpful to the end user.

Remember, all content should be rich, unique, high-quality, and relevant to the audience and desired keywords. Aim to keep content in the active, present tense. When writing, always keep in mind the end user. Does this content help them or resolve their problem? Does this content represent my brand’s industry knowledge? Many organizations (both for-profit and non-profit) try to tell their audience what the organization does but instead should show what the audience will receive. After publishing content, return to it periodically to keep it fresh and update any photos or out-of-date information.

We know it’s A LOT to take in. So, take a deep breath, dive into our other blogs, and reach out to us. Did you know we offer ongoing SEO as a service? It’s one of the many things we like to do around here.

3.2.23 | read time: 5 min

From The Mountain to The Cardiac Intensive Unit

Rick Hosmer

The human heart is an incredible muscle – moving oxygen and nutrients through the bloodstream. Over the past 61 years, my heart has beat over 2.3 billion times, enabling me to hike 43 miles in a day, ride my bike across the country, climb Mt. Rainier, and fall in love several times — along with a couple of subsequent heartbreaks.

On August 21, 2022, my heart was pounding hard, adding to those 2.3 billion beats as it powered me and my bicycle up the trails at Mt. Spokane State Park toward Quartz Mountain.

My friend and I cranked up a series of steep hills, which was challenging. I had to push my bike up the second hill, which is not necessarily an uncommon occurrence. I jokingly told him as I struggled to the crest, “The thing about exercise is if you don’t keep it up regularly, it’ll kill you.” At the time, I didn’t know how right I was.

We hit our third hill at over 4,000 feet of elevation, and I said, “I think I need to walk this one. I’m just not feeling 100% today.” We both pushed our bikes up to where the trail leveled off. At the top, I said, “I need to take a break – actually, I need to sit down.” A few minutes later, “No, I need to lie down.” As I lay there in a cold sweat, I knew something was wrong.

After 20 minutes with no relief, I finally told my friend, “I think you need to get me some help.”

As he took off down the mountain on his bike, I texted my wife, letting her know that something weird was happening but not to worry. She immediately called me and asked if she should call an ambulance. I’m the kind of guy who would set his own broken leg, so when I said, “You’d better call an ambulance,” she knew it was serious.

As luck would have it, my friend found a couple of women working on a trail maintenance project. They came up the dirt road to rescue me and drove me to the parking lot.

When the ambulance arrived, the EMTs did a quick assessment and told me I was having a “cardiac event.” There wasn’t enough time to drive to the hospital. I needed a LifeFlight.

The helicopter landed in a cloud of dust, and I was loaded into the patient area. Before I knew it, I was on the rooftop of Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane.

I was rushed to the cardiac catheterization lab, where surgeons identified a blood clot completely blocking the left anterior descending artery in the center of my heart. After removing the clot and installing a stent (a wire mesh tube that helps keep the artery open), I was off to the Cardiac ICU (CICU). After four days in the CICU under the skilled and compassionate care of incredible doctors, nurses, and staff, I was transferred to the cardiac floor.


When I was finally allowed to get out of bed, my nurses encouraged me to move around as much as I felt comfortable. I did endless laps around the hospital, totaling two miles on my first day.

My lead physician talked with me just before release, explaining how I had had a major “widow-maker” heart attack. Widow-maker heart attacks have a 90% fatality rate — even higher when the person is over two hours away from treatment like I was.

The events that saved my life were that I listened to my body, my friend acted quickly to find help, the trail workers got me off the mountain, the LifeFlight, and my level of fitness and strength. All of these factors added up to being able to tell you this story instead of someone else telling it for me.

My recovery was steady. My doctors were pleased with my pulse, EKG, and oxygen saturation numbers. I was released six days after my nearly fatal ride to Quartz Mountain.


I’ve always been active and healthy, with low blood pressure and cholesterol. A heart attack was the last thing I thought would happen to me.

But I learned I am not alone. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. Each year, over 800,000 people in the U.S. have a heart attack. That’s one every 40 seconds.

I am six months into recovery. The first month I was at home, with the incredible 116 & West teams in Spokane and Boise covering for me. After that, I returned to the office and did cardiac rehab exercises three times a week. In December, I started working out on my own and spent an hour 3-4 times a week on a treadmill and stationary bike.

On the weekends, I’m back on my mountain bike or hiking trails around Spokane. I take medication each morning and evening to lower my blood pressure, heart rate, and other aspects to help my heart rest and heal. Other than that, you’d never know I had a heart attack.

Recently I shared my story on a local news broadcast to remind others that their heart — this powerful muscle that pumps nearly 38 million times a year — is incredibly fragile. Unfortunately, heart disease is rampant in the U.S.; high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, smoking, excessive alcohol use, and stress are major contributors.

I’m determined to be as active and healthy as I can and hopefully serve as an inspiration to anyone who experiences a heart attack or other cardiac event. Don’t let a heart failure or heart disease diagnosis define you.

Live life to its fullest – whatever that means for you. The human body has an incredible ability to heal itself. I am traveling down that path of healing so I can get back to Quartz Mountain. I’ve got a ride to finish.


Rick Hosmer is a Principal and Account Planner at 116 & West. He can be reached at