2.17.21 | read time: 1 min
Welcome to the team, Sara Timberlake!
116 & West
The newest member of our Westie team is Sara Timberlake. Sara will be joining the media team as a Junior Media Buyer. As a long-time Boise resident and University of Idaho almost-alum, Sara brings with her a great knowledge of our state and our business.
Sara was educated in the world of helping businesses prosper as a marketing major and part of the U of I Ad team. As part of our team, however, she’ll hone her skills in a real way, learning all about media and the strategy that goes into it. Plus she’ll be sitting next to her big sister, Annie. (Let’s just hope they don’t get in fights over who gets the “better” desk.)
Although Sara is interested in the media side of the business, she’s also highly artistic. Sara does illustrations for her friends and family, and also creates them on commission. Sara is also a self-proclaimed “hobby hopper,” and loves listening to podcasts.
We’re so glad Sara is here and we wish her all the luck in the world.